Announced yesterday on its Google Africa blog, project Link is ; Project Link’s network is available starting yesterday to connect providers to long-distance fiber lines, equipping them with near-unlimited capacity to build and expand services to Ugandans. With this high-speed data pipe, Google hopes to achieve its sole ambition which is to connect more people to the internet. According to the blog, Project Link goes beyond basic access; it enables local providers to offer new mobile data plans or high-speed Internet for office buildings and universities, and support newer technologies as they come to market. For Kampala, Google hopes it’s project is a foundation to support the needs of a new crop of entrepreneurs and innovators: the media-rich projects of a successful musician, fast connections for local hospitals, or new digital learning tools for students. Project Link leapfrogs project Loon which is Google’s other idea to connecting rural, remote, and underserved areas using (surprise) Balloons flying around the globe on the stratospheric winds, providing Internet access to the earth below. Image: Google Project Link